Project roadmap

current work and future developments

  • second quarter of 2024, extension of the Calypso API to add the support for Prime PKI transaction mode
    • asymmetric card authentication without a SAM
  • end of 2024, addition of a dedicated interface to operate transactions with a Calypso OpenSAM

History of developments

DateAPI VersionChanges
2024/01/10Calypso Legacy SAM API 0.4
  • Management of static & dynamic lock
  • Adds dedicated SPI to provide lock data
2023/11/27Global refactoring to enable any implementation of terminal APIs and to allow the Eclipse Keypop project to continue to implement open source Java and C++ versions of the terminal APIs.
  • refactoring of the Calypso API to integrate different Calypso SAM solutions (legacy SAM & Open SAM)
    • split of the Calypso API to separate card operations in a Calypso Card API independently to the SAM solution
    • Calypso Legacy SAM API to support all transaction modes of the legacy SAM C1.
  • Reader API & Card API refactoring for the setting of a card selection
    • moving of some elements of card DF selector from the Card API to the Reader API → This will simplify the Card API, and will allow the implementation of the ISO selection settings to be factorised independently of the card extensions.
Reader API 2.0Recovery of the Card Selector SPI from the Card API
Card API 2.0Moved Card Selector SPI to the Reader API
Calypso Card API 2.0
  • split of the Calypso API to separate card operations in a Calypso Card API independently to the SAM solution
  • refactoring to integrate in a Calypso card transaction different Calypso SAM solutions: initially the Calypso Legacy SAM, then later the Calypso OpenSAM
Calypso Crypto Symmetric API 0.1New interface interface to manage the communication between a library implementing the Calypso Card API and another library processing a Calypso SAM solution
Calypso Legacy SAM API 0.3New public API to manage a transaction with a Calypso Legacy SAM (e.g. SAM-C1)
  • secure reading of target SAM parameters
  • secure writing of parameters, keys and counter ceilings of a target SAM
  • free reading and writing with a target SAM
  • data PSO signature computation & verification by a target SAM
2023/05/22Reader API 1.3Introduced a new capability to export a locally processed card selection scenario to be imported and analyzed remotely by another card selection manager.
2023/04/04Calypso API 1.8Adds the possibility to improve performance by anticipating the SAM context before the transaction is started.
2023/03/08Calypso API 1.7
  • Adds the secure session "pre-open" variant
  • Adds the possibility read counters and binary files during the card selection process
2023/02/27Calypso Crypto Legacy SAM API 0.2adds "counters & ceilings" management commands in static mode
2023/02/17Calypso API 1.6
  • Simplifies the card transaction API by providing a single "process" method
  • Adds a security setting to be able to disable the automatic combination of a "Read Record" command with the "Open Secure Session" command
2023/01/10Reader API 1.2Adds a way to retrieve the name of the protocol currently used by the reader to communicate with the card
2022/12/22Calypso API 1.5Completes the support of "Calypso Prime Extended" card products
  • ciphered card commands/responses inside a secure session
  • intermediate mutual authentication inside a secure session
2022/12/12Calypso Crypto Legacy SAM API 0.1Alpha version of the new API dedicated to the management of legacy SAMs
  • begins the support of free SAM transaction (without a control SAM)
  • adds "compute/verify signature" commands
  • adds "read event counter/ceiling" commands
2022/10/26Reader API 1.1Adds an "import/export" feature for card selection scenarios
  • allows a terminal to execute or schedule a card selection scenario, previously prepared on a server, without having the dedicated card library (e.g. Calypso API)
Calypso API 1.4Improves the support of file selection responses for legacy card products
2022/10/04Calypso API 1.3Adds a specific identifier to the Calypso HSM product
  • allows to manage differences in behaviour with the legacy SAM C1
2022/05/30Calypso API 1.2Begins the support of "Calypso Prime Extended" card products
  • SAM operations to generate or verify data signatures
2022/02/01Calypso API 1.1Completes the support of "Calypso Prime Regular" card products
  • binary files management, update of multiple counters, record search, key change
  • support of EF without SFI